Mar 21Liked by Alexa Wilding

Thank you for this beautifully written break from my mundane morning! I often point out the pink clouds at sunset to my kids, and I'm sometimes ignored. Next time, I'll say to myself "Alexa knows what I'm talking about anyway!" xoxo

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Apr 2Liked by Alexa Wilding

Using this as my forever excuse: "I’m not going to accept your kind invitation, for the time being at any rate. The reason is that my pink cactus is probably going to flower."

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Mar 21Liked by Alexa Wilding

Beautiful! A magical piece of writing I can see you in all those places. I love to watch changing light. Also the sound of birds beginning their day. My daughter was in hospital this week and as I went through my in-hospital morning routine I sat by some big windows and watched the sun come shining through the trees, so golden and pretty. I love too seeing people riding or walking dogs in the early part of the day.

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Mar 21Liked by Alexa Wilding

Utterly gorgeous. ❤️ I’ve “forced”my kids to watch so many sunsets over the years that now they call or text me whenever they’re watching a beautiful one to share the joy. It makes me so happy. Thank you for this. Xo

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Mar 21Liked by Alexa Wilding

Beautiful. And congrats for your new position as a travel writer 😊

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Mar 21Liked by Alexa Wilding

Stunning writing and photos!

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The beauty here leaves me speechless.

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Mar 21Liked by Alexa Wilding

Exquisite 🙏💕❤️

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So beautiful! I love spending time on my patio every night to take in the beauty of the moon and stars. I live in the middle of an orchard, so there's very little light pollution and there are many, many stars. Over the years, I've noticed how the sky feels so much clearer in winter, the stars more defined, like a crisper tapestry somehow. But oh, how I love those hazy summer nights too, when the heat finally subsides and you can throw all your windows open and relax for a few hours, before the cycle begins again and you have to shutter yourself in as soon as the sun rises. Speaking of cycles, I love following the moon's trajectory, rising up above the pear trees on one side and setting behind our dear neighbours' house, all the while getting rounder and rounder and painting everything in silver. It's so true that no matter what happens during the day, I can count on the setting sun and the stars coming out. I'll be sure to medidate on that next time I go sit outside on the patio :)

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I love this — all of it. My small moment is actually about the weather here in LA. How it sustains me, how a typical LA weather day is enough. I am the primary caregiver for my daughter who is now 29 and severely disabled. It’s been a grueling and wonderful three decades, and on the worst days, I can “go on” because the sun is golden, the air sort of shimmery sparkled, the breeze, the palms swaying — all of it.

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