Discover more behind the curtain of Samantha Pleet. Read about the inspirations behind my collections, enchanting travel guides, archives from the years, and interviews with my muses. This is where stories and style come to life
A newsletter in which I say all the things about sexuality, the body, perimenopause, spirituality, and religion I never could before. It will be full of tips and tricks (because I’m that bitch) and will feature interviews with experts, creators, and more
Artist and TV host Helen Dealtry's relaxed and, more often than not, flower filled space for creative inspirations, a peek into her practice and written thoughts. Paint along classes are in the works!
A community of love, humor & Possibility.
I was waiting for someone to give me proof of my life’s worthiness. F*ck that! YOU ARE YOUR OWN PROOF OF LIFE.
Here you'll find poetry, art, guest essays, weird ramblings, offerings & OPEN ARMS.
early bird is the online equivalent of catching up with a friend over coffee - an invitation to pause, to reflect, to connect. Expect highly researched recommendations, essays, and ideas for a well-rounded life.
Weekly musings on the art of becoming what we already are. Writing ourselves. Righting ourselves. Drawing a circle of care. A sketchbook to return to. Plus: Creativity + Courage.
I read a lot and share what I learn. Spiritual seeker. Pulling apart the stories we tell about who we are so we can re-write a truer version. Podcast host and author of the New York Times bestseller ON OUR BEST BEHAVIOR.
a newsletter that explores the braided experience of mother, lover and self.
personal essays & conversations on sex, death, love, loss, parenthood, paradigms, identity, culture and coming of age. written by rebecca woolf with special guests.
A newsletter devoted to reading, eating, and family dinner, however you define "family" and however you define "dinner." Written by the bestselling author of the Dinner: A Love Story book series including, most recently "The Weekday Vegetarians."